Sunday, 4 December 2022

Christmas Shopping Maths

  • Choose an activity below.

  • Get a shopping list from your kaiako and write the activity on your sheet.

  • Use the online catalogues to fill out your shopping list.

  • Add all your shopping up to calculate the grand total.
    Make sure you show all your working out!

  1. Create a food parcel for a family of four who need some extra support and some nice Christmas treats. Choose 10 items, write down all the details and add up the total cost.

  1. Choose a child to fill a Christmas shoebox for. Pick the gender and age of your child, eg. Boy, aged 7. Choose 4 gifts (Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read) and 2 edible treats.

  1. Be a secret santa! You must buy gifts for one person in your family. You can spend up to $100. How many items will you buy? 

  1. Buy a gift for each member of your family (up to 10 people).
    How much it will cost altogether?

Sunday, 27 November 2022

The Dark Blue 100 Ride Bus Ticket


Bus drivers!  Places!  Dowlers!  The Supermarket at the End of the World!!

Read some descriptions from the Dark Blue 100 Ride Bus Ticket HERE

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Te Poi


The poi is practiced by both men and women. Poi encourages the wrists to become supple, increases dexterity in both arms and also improves agility. Traditionally, such skills were useful when using all Māori weaponry including the taiaha. The poi was a common pastime and is actively practiced today, especially as part of competitive kapa haka performances.

Te reo Māori vocabulary

Poi kia mau – poi get ready

Rere waho – fly away
Rere roto – fly to me
Rere runga – fly above
Rere raro – fly below

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

How to create a hyperlink in a Google doc


Watch this video to learn how to add a hyperlink to a Google doc.

Now have a go at creating a hyperlink in a Google doc...

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Pythagoras Maths Group

 Khan Academy Lesson on adding fractions with unlike denominators

(here's how to find the common denominators if you are stuck on that part)

1. Pause the video as you watch and take notes in your Maths thinking book, to show how to add fractions with unlike denominators.

2. There is a second video to watch to learn more

3. Then have a go at the Khan Academy practice questions:

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Pythagoras - Meaning of Percent

 Watch this video first:

Now have a practice: Watch the next video while you complete these three questions in your maths thinking book:

Sunday, 21 August 2022

 Whanaketanga Hybrid Learning - Week 5-6, Term 3, 2022

Featuring science, animals, growth & more!

Must Do

Can Do


Addition and Subtraction

Year 3 Making 10 strategy

Year 3 Adding a tidy number

Year 3 Subtracting a tidy number

Year 4 Tidy number strategy

Year 4 Subtraction strategy

Extra: Fractions strategy

Addition using groups of 10

Practice: Adding 2 digit numbers

Extra: Fractions of a number (online practice)

Maths Challenge!

Did you know that there are 100 centimeters in one meter! There are 1000 meters in 1km.

Task:  Can you find four items around the classroom or your home that are close to or equal one meter

How do you know?




Play a game: placing numbers on a number line


Read one of these texts: 

#1: Stick insects

#2: The Striped Invader

#3: Garden with science

#4: Garden in the Living Room

#5: Orca - the world’s largest dolphin 

Ladybug Life Cycle

Amazing Adaptations

Choose to learn about animal or plant adaptations and complete the activity (slide 2) in your Literacy book or make a table on a doc at home!

Hungry for more? Use this template to research more about an animal.

Explore some more about science and animals on these websites!

Everyday Science

National Geographic Kids

Kiwi Conservation Club



Poem 1: The Gangaraffe

Poem 2: Animal Homes

Diary of a Worm

Can you be a creature and write your own diary?

Cinquain Poem about Kiwi

Describe the journey of the kai-gathering and nest-building  Kiwi from “Little Kiwi and the Treaty” using Cinquain poetry.

Explore Life Cycles

Possible Additional Activities:

  • Log in to Studyladder or use Hit the Button to do basic facts practise

  • Explore collections of books and read using Epic (Logins: W1 - bzg7199  / W2 - gyk5909)

  • If you would like to listen to one of the Huriawa Thorrington teachers read you a story, you can click through this slideshow here: Timatanga Tales 

Pythagoras - fractions strategy

Einsteins: Adding tens to a number

Try these questions:

21 + 40 = 
68 + 30 = 
83 + 10 = 
57 + 30 = 
34 + 60 = 
52 + 40 = 
47 + 50 = 
76 + 20 = 
62 + 30 = 
84 + 10 = 
35 + 60 = 
57 + 20 = 

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Mrs C Maths Christmas Shopping

Noel Leeming Hot Deals Toyworld New World Woolworths